As a new dog owner, you may be overwhelmed with the amount of work it takes to make sure your dog is both healthy and well behaved. This article will go into detail regarding tips specific to your situation, a new dog owner, and ways that you can successfully train your dog.
It is fun teaching your dog how to do tricks. Pick a time when he is fed, relaxed and calm. First, extend your hand to your dog's paw. You may have to pick his paw up when you first start. Regardless of how he acts, give him a treat. Pretty soon he will learn that if he extends his paw he will get a treat. In no time, he will simply give you his paw on his own. Practice walking your dog over to a rug and asking him to sit whenever a doorbell rings. To do this, have a friend or family member ring the doorbell. Guide your dog by his leash to a rug or spot and have him sit. Praise him and offer a treat. Repeating this exercise will help him to remain calm and appear more polite when guests come over. Do not respond to demands for attention from your dog. Training a dog to be docile and controlled, means that you control when attention is given. In the pack, Alphas will ignore these behaviors until the dog is calm and relaxed. Then and only then, should you build excitement through play with the animal. Establish a calm environment when you enter a room that your dog is in. Play time is good to have with your pet, however, your dog should remain calm when you enter the room. Do not acknowledge the animal when you enter and by doing so you create a controlled atmosphere in which you decide how and when play time begins. Although a well trained dog can be taught to put up with just about anything, there will be times and situations where they are truly uncomfortable with a person, another animal, or a place. Don't force your dog to suffer through more of this discomfort than is absolutely necessary. There is a reason that they are uncomfortable and you need to determine that reason. If your dog barks and growls at strangers in your home, do this: leash your dog, make him sit, wait until his attention is on you, and hand the leash, in full view of the dog, to your guest. Then wait until the dog is calm again, with the guest giving commands as needed. This teaches the dog that your guest ranks above him in "the pack" and he must accept them. When the dog starts to react again, repeat the exercise. Put yourself in your dog's proverbial shoes - or paws, rather. It is easy to get frustrated with your dog if they are not learning very basic things quickly or at all. Instead of giving up entirely, you might consider trying to put yourself in your dog's mindset. Imagining the world as they see it might give you a new perspective on training them. Young puppies are prone to chewing on their owners belongings. You can address this problem by immediately stopping your puppy if he chews an inappropriate item. You should then, instead, give him the toys that he is allowed to chew. Praise your dog anytime you finding him chewing a permitted toy. Remaining consistent with this training method can save your favorite furniture or pair of shoes. If you are undergoing chemotherapy it is common for certain foods to leave a metallic taste in your mouth. The most common foods that give this type of reaction are water and meats. You can try adding fruit to water to lighten the taste and you can substitute fish, eggs, beans, or some other type of protein to your diet instead of meat. Don't give treats to your dog for no reason, and never feed your dog at the table (learn to stop dog begging). Feed your dog his dog food in the same place, at the same time, every day. Give treats as rewards for good work done during training time. Otherwise, praise and petting are ample indications that you are friends with your dog. Too many treats at the wrong times will produce a spoiled, overweight dog. Many puppies like to use their mouths to play because that is how they played with their litter mates. This should be discouraged as soon as possible after your puppy comes home. It may be cute when a seven pound puppy pulls on your arm or shirt sleeve, but I assure you, it isn't as cute when a fifty pound dog does it. Dog HealthYour dog will need a diet high in nutrition to maintain his vitality and health. This means that you should be picky about what you feed your dog. Making your own dog food can help to reduce fillers that do nothing for your pet, while increasing the crude protein to a healthy and more beneficial level. In many cases, a dog's diet can be contributing to the behavior and health problems that he is having. Be sure that you are feeding your dog a balanced diet and he is going to thank you by adapting his behavior to be accepted, more important than that, he will be healthier for many more years. When you are training your dog, you should make sure that your dog is not sick when it is not following your commands that it normally will follow. They also need regular visits to the vet so that he or she can inform you of your dog's health. If your dog is sick, you shouldn't push your dog for not following commands. If you are training a high-energy dog, it may be beneficial to exercise your dog just before the training session. A dog that is overly energetic will have difficulty focusing on what you are trying to teach. (Useful: can dogs have ocd?) The exercise session can be beneficial for the human owner's health as well! A great dog training tip is to make sure your dog gets a little bit of exercise every day. Exercise is not only good for your dog's health, it also keeps them social with other people and other dogs. Taking your dog for a daily walk is key for socialization. Keep your dog up-to-date on his check-ups. If you are finding your dog is having difficulty with some aspects of training, or has regressed in his training, make sure he is in good health. Dogs are very adept at hiding pain and discomfort. So many times behavioral changes are the only clue that there is a health issue. For example, aggression can be a sign of pain, and sudden regression in-house training can signal a urinary tract infection. A good dog training tip is to make sure you regularly take your dog to the veterinarian for check-ups. You never know what sudden health issue could pop up. By regularly taking your dog to the veterinarian for check-ups, you can insure that your dog stays happy and healthy. Be sure that your canine is consuming a healthy diet. A bad diet is unhealthy for dogs for many reasons. Poor nutrition adversely affects your dog's health and can cause uncharacteristic behavior. By simply improving the diet that the dog gets, you may notice a great improvement in how receptive they will be when it comes to training. When a behavioral problem suddenly occurs you should take the dog to the vet to eliminate health problems. There are painful medical issues which cause aggressive or obnoxious behavior in dogs. This behavior is an indicator to humans that there is something wrong. Ensure that your dog gets plenty of exercise and stimulation. Almost all dogs have short attention spans. When a dog is bored, he will be hard to train. Your dogs will obey more quickly if you keep them well exercised. Get out for some long walks and runs with your dog. Because you are a new dog owner, you are faced with many challenges. Hopefully if you follow the steps presented in this article, you will be much closer to being able to successfully train your new dog and will have a better understanding of what goes into dog ownership and training.
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