Let's look at the Anatolian Shepherd dog breed.The Anatolian Shepherd has a long history as a working dog in the country of Turkey. The original function of the breed was to guard flock. Today still, the breed is used as a highly-dependable security dog.
Researchers claim that the canine's roots probably go back 4000 years ago to the Roman Mollosian war dogs and the Tibetan Mastiff. These dogs were used to safeguard livestock against dangerous predators, such as bear and wolves. By viewing various pictures of the breed you will notice that different Anatolian Shepherd dogs may vary in size, colour and coat type. This is largely due to nomadic shepherds travelling a large geographical region while their Anatolian Shepherds would accompany them. The traits that have not changed, however, are the breed's independence, loyalty, and toughness. Anatolian Shepherd dogs made their way to the United States during the mid 1950s and although its usefulness was in the service of guarding livestock against coyotes, wolves, and other predators, the breed did not become popular until the late 1970s/early 1980s. What's it Like to Own an Anatolian Shepherd Dog?This breed needs plenty of daily exercise – a chance to run with you as you jog in the mornings or a brisk walk on the leash will do the job. Anatolian Shepherd dogs can live outside if need be, so long as the temperature does not reach extreme cold or high heat, however, they are very connected to the family so sleeping inside at night is preferred. Grooming requirements consist of a weekly brushing to remove dead hair. Anatolian Shepherd Dog Health ProblemsThe Anatolian Shepherd has an average life span of between ten and thirteen years. Quite a healthy breed, the only major health concern that runs common is CHD, with entropion showing up as a minor issue. Veterinarians suggest that Anatolian Shepherd dogs get tested for potential hip and eye problems. Helpful ResourcesLifetime pet insurance cover for an Anatolian shepherd dog
Dog nutrition and the Anatolian shepherd dog
Anatolian shepherd dog and puppy house training---
Distributed by Aljendro Reid on behalf of petbuzz :: social media for pet brands
Dog nutrition and the Anatolian shepherd dog
Anatolian shepherd dog and puppy house training---
Distributed by Aljendro Reid on behalf of petbuzz :: social media for pet brands
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