Sunday, January 29, 2012

Proof About Dogs & Passive Smoking

Dog owner Dot Dagless from Leeds had been a smoker for over forty years when she decided to kick the habit last May. Since quitting, her health has improved, but more remarkably, the health of her fourteen-and-a-half-year-old Yorkshire Terrier Winston, has also dramatically improved!

Winston was under the care of vets at Leeds PDSA PetAid hospital, and was on medication for a chesty cough.

Since giving up smoking, Dot has noticed that Winston is much sprightlier and his cough has cleared up considerably. “His appetite has
really increased plus he has a lot more energy,” comments Dot, “and he doesn’t need an afternoon nap like he used too!”

PDSA Veterinary Surgeon Carolyn Oldridge, says “Pets can be affected by breathing in second-hand cigarette smoke. Although Winston’s cough hasn’t gone completely, it has improved significantly thanks to Dot giving up.”

Learn about dogs and passive smoking.

Another advantage is that Winston no longer needs his medication. Dot
continues, “I don’t miss smoking one little bit, and it feels even
better to have quit knowing that I’m helping Winston’s health too, as
well as my own. The spare cash I’ve got has gone towards buying a new
coat to keep Winston warm during the winter on our walks together!”

Carolyn continues: “Remember that a pet can’t tell us if cigarette smoke
is affecting them, but over time their health will suffer. Why not take
the dog out for a walk instead to forget about those nicotine cravings!”

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

How To Get Your Dog To Reach Their Potential

Dog training is a great way to spend time with your dog, bond with him, and get a well behaved dog out of the deal as well. Your dog needs to know who the boss is in the house, and dog training produces great results. This article can help you choose the dog training that is right for your dog.

To help with training your dog you need to be flexible in your training methods. Being flexible with your training will help you when your dog is struggling to learn. This will help you tweak the methods needed to suit your dog until you figure out what works best for him.

You may need to try different treats until you find what works for your pup. There are a lot of different dog treats on the market, but your dog has his own tastes and preferences just like everyone else. If a particular treat doesn't seem to get your dog motivated, try something else.

A dog with hobbies is a happy dog. Make your dog work on walks. Many large breed dogs enjoy carrying items during walks such as tennis balls, sticks, or even dog-sized backpacks. This gives a dog a sense of purpose and gives him something to concentrate on. This way his attention span will be less likely to stray from your walk. Always teach your dog the basics (such as train your dog to stay).


When you are training your dog, you should make sure that your dog is not sick when it is not following your commands that it normally will follow. They also need regular visits to the vet so that he or she can inform you of your dog's health. If your dog is sick, you shouldn't punish your dog for not following commands. A quick tip - food intolerance in dogs will leave your pet uncomfortable and he'll never be able to reach his full potential.

Insight: An overweight dog will not perform to their best and will suffer a range of health problems. Dog obesity is a huge issue and you should ensure your dog is the right weight for their age, breed and lifestyle.

Keep your dog up-to-date on his check-ups. If you are finding your dog is having difficulty with some aspects of training, or has regressed in his training, make sure he is in good health. Dogs are very adept at hiding pain and discomfort. So many times behavioral changes are the only clue that there is a health issue. For example, aggression can be a sign of pain, and sudden regression in-house training can signal a urinary tract infection.

If you are training a high-energy dog, it may be beneficial to exercise your dog just before the training session. A dog that is overly energetic will have difficulty focusing on what you are trying to teach. The exercise session can be beneficial for the human owner's health as well!

Food and Proper Nutrition For Dogs

Avoid using food and treats to train your dog beyond the puppy stage. Once you teach your dog to expect food for performing any task, they will refuse to do even the most basic commands without a food reward. Praising your dog warmly with words, cuddles and special playtime will get you a dog that listens without you worrying whether or not you have a treat in your pocket.

When potty training your new puppy, keep him on a strict feeding schedule. Offer food twice a day, at the same time each day, and take your puppy out to eliminate shortly after finishing the meal. Young puppies often need to use the bathroom quickly after a meal. Giving your dog the opportunity to go outside will get him on a schedule and help to prevent accidents.


Is your dog eating a nutritionally-sound diet? Like children, dogs can become hyperactive, inattentive and even a little bit bratty when their diet isn't up to par. Consider changing your dog's diet to something more species-appropriate, and he'll have long-lasting, consistent energy all day. Check with your vet about any specific nutritional needs he might need attending to!

Before you begin training your dog, make sure that his diet is the best it can be. Just as humans can feel lazy after eating junk food, a poor diet for your dog will affect his behavior. A healthy moderate diet will give him energy and concentration to learn what you are teaching him in training.

An often overlooked component of good dog training is to evaluate and improve the dog's diet. The old adage that you are what you eat definitely applies to dogs. A lot of medical and behavioral problems can be traced back to a dog's diet. Make sure you are doing all you can to give your dog the very best food it can get.

It has already been established that dog training is a positive choice for your dog and your family. Everyone loves a dog who is well behaved and doesn't jump all over you and destroy the house. By using the information in this article, you can choose a dog training method that is perfect for your pooch.

Keep your health. Dog worms are potential killers. Find out how often you should worm your dog.